Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A-Rod Gives Blonde Bimbo His Rod

I normally don't involve myself with the U.S. Weekly type of tabloid garbage, but I had to laugh at today's headline in the New York Post; although it's definitely not as comical as my headline.

Who gives a crap about this story. It's his personal business. It's not the public's business. I hear the argument all of the time that because he makes loads of money that he should open up his entire life for scruntiny. I do not agree with that. I spend money to watch A-Rod play baseball, so that is the only thing that I consider up for grabs to criticize.

Not only was the story in NY Post today, but it was also on Mike and Mike ESPN Radio this morning. While I hated listening to them talk about this garbage, I definitely made a beeline for my computer when I got into work to see how hot the blond was.

I mean, if A-Rod can't get a smoking hot blond making $25 million a year, well then all hope is lost for us mortal men. Apparently I wasn't the only one interested in seeing the pictures in the New York Post this morning as it literally took me 5 minutes to load up the newspaper's website - I'm talking about old school AOL dial-up here; no doubt due to the fact that hundreds of thousands of people like myself were clogging up the Post bandwidth in their quest to see A-Rod stray....from his hideous looking wife. You be the judge....(see a picture of his wife to the right).
After reading the article that accompanied the photo of A-Rod with this blond bombshell, I was completely disgusted. The article details the places they went, the things they did, how A-Rod looked when he came into the hotel with the woman, how he "scratched his nose"...supposedly to cover his face. It was truly bushleague, half-truth, yellow journalism.
The only thing that the article left out was the fact that after he took the blonde up to his penthouse suite, he gave her his Rod and then snorted lines off her stomach. What a trashy tabloid the NY Post is.
Did the NY Post ever stop to think for an instance that maybe this young girl had lost two of her puppies in A-Rod's hotel room and he was simply offering to help her look for them...?
Congrats NY Post, you're Star Magazine and U.S. Weekly rolled into one....You dumb sensationalistic bastards.

1 comment:

Smelmooo said...

His wife ain't bad.

I bet she can cook well.