Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Lost Returns to Raise More Questions

Season 3 of Lost returns on ABC tonight for 16 straight episodes after a 3 or 4 month hiatus. And with the return of a great dramatic, cliff hanging show also brings the return of an endless list of questions about the plot, the characters and the sanity of American TV viewers.

1. Where did the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 crash?
2. Who are the Others?
3. What is the Dharma Initiative?
4. How are the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 connected?
5. Are the Others former scientists from the Dharma Initiative?
6. Where did Michael and his son Walt go to?
7. Why do they fill so many episodes with endless backstory?
Lost is definitely one of my favorite shows on TV. Every episode is gripping. Every episode is truly an event. I eagerly await the next week's episode, seconds after this week's episode ends. But after EVERY episode, I ultimately end up asking myself why the hell I watch the show. Instead of answering questions that have been raised and talked about endlessly on message boards and blogs across the Internet - like the ones I mentioned above and hundreds of others - the writers constantly raise more and more questions.

Sometimes, my wife will walk into the room when I am watching an episode of Lost and will ask "What's going on?" My simple response to her is "I have no idea." I am simply always lost in Lost. Hopefully I'll figure it out somewhat this season.

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