Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Back with Another Edition of Entertain Me and Bore Me

I haven't blogged in about a week and I am completely going through blog withdrawal. In case you were wondering, my computer is working just mighty fine, but I have been away a few days visiting a friend who lives in Richmond and other than that I have been filling my days with filling window frame cracks with wood filler and my brain with a whole junk load of entertainment.

So, here comes another edition of Entertain Me... Bore Me, etc. etc.

Entertain Me

Goin' Retro with Doom and Contra -- I am a huge fan of next generation video games because of the gameplay, presentation and most importantly because I am a whore for next generation graphics. So, it's funny that I've been spending most of my waking hours playing two old school shooters from the 80s : Doom and Contra.

Contra remains one of my most favorite games ever, so I was pleasantly surprised when it was released on XBox Live Arcade a few months ago. Since then, I have played it by myself, but have had the most fun playing it over XBox Live with complete strangers. It definitely isn't as fun as when I was playing co-op at my old childhood house with my friends, but it definitely is a ton of fun and its gameplay has held up over the last 20 years.

Doom, on the other hand, was one game that I played sparingly while growing up. It was a crazy cult favorite back in the day, but I really never got into it as much as I have over the course of the last few months. I beat the game yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed the level design and enemies. Of course, the graphics are ridiculously terrible compared to today's graphics, but it is definitely a great, great game.

Unfortunately... Bore Me

Smokin' Aces - I was really expecting so much more out of this movie than I got. When I first saw the preview of Smokin' Aces, I literally jumped out of my seat as definitely expected to see a movie that was a cross between "True Romance" and "Lock, Stock and "Two Smoking Barrels". I am a huge fan of indy type movies like the two aforementioned ones along with great flicks like "Snatch," "Things to Do in Denver When Your Dead" and "Suicide Kings." I would also mention a few other Tarantino movies in there like Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs and Kill Bill, but they are definitely more mainstream and really aren't as independent as True Romance was back in the day.

So, to make a long story even longer, I went with high expectations for Smokin' Aces. I went in expecting a crazy bloodfest with great twists and turns. And I left the movie completely unfufilled after a crazy bloodfest that had twists and turns, but just a retarded, stupid ending. I won't give the ending away if you are planning to see it. All I will say is be prepared to be bored out of your mind in between the crazy violent scenes.
Well, that was a long winded, winding Entertain Me, Bore Me - even the title was long and unoriginal. I promise to tighten up the writing with the next installment.

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