Saturday, May 3, 2008

Entertain Me with....Grand Theft Auto IV

I've been looking forward to Grand Theft Auto IV for longer than I can remember.

GTA Vice City and San Andreas were two of my favorite games of all time so it was no brainer that I would buy GTA IV when it came out.

My expectations were even greater after I read the great reviews about the game. Many reputable video game websites rated GTA IV a 10 overall and potentially the best game ever created.

After playing GTA IV for 8 hours, I must say that I'm slightly disappointed with the game. While it's definitely somewhere between an 8.5 and a 9 because of the GTA's patented dirty humor and story - both which I love -- it's not a 10. ...not by a long shot.
I don't like the way the game controls. For instance, it's hard as hell to accurately aim and shoot at an enemy. It took forever for me to learn how to drive a car in the game. And many times in the game, the camera behind your character swings wildly around and is really disorientating.

That said, once you learn how to drive a car in GTA IV, it's truly a wonderful experience driving around the game's many neighborhoods. I honestly felt like I was in GTA's Liberty City at times.
But in the end, I really believe that great games need to have great gameplay. And while some of the game's missions are fun, it's just way too difficult at times to control the main character. I recommend the game, but warn against anyone expecting a game that's been reviewed as being "the best game ever made."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You hate everything now! Just because it was not a video game about toilet replacement does not mean you should hate it!