Monday, March 31, 2008

Updates from The World Left Behind

I suck for not posting for the last week. Sorry loyal readers. hope all 3 of you are still around. ...kidding. i have at least 1,000 readers!

The bathroom project (from heaven) continues and the wife and I are really pleased with how its turning out thus far. We hopefully will have the project completed in the next week or ten and I'll post pictures as soon as I can.

We saw Run Fatboy Run (The True Life Story of The Paperboy before he gave up alcohol) with Smelmooo and Tangent Woman this past weekend and I must admit that I really liked it. I thought I was going to hate it and I gave Smelmooo crap for making me see this movie, but in the end, I thought it was great. I did doze off a couple times (only to be awaken by the hard people's elbow of my wife), but I did think it was a great movie.

I also watched TMNT, a computer animated story of those awesome heroes in a half shell and I thought it was phenomenal. That tells you what kind of movie watcher I am I guess. I am enthralled by cool looking movies with little story and hate drab looking movies with a good story.

Do you know what sucks? Yankees Opening Day was postponed this afternoon. I am so damn pissed off about that. Since the Giants Super Bowl XLII victory 57 days ago - they won, did you hear? - it seems like it's been a damn eternity since I've watched sports. Thank God, I've had a wonderful and time devouring bathroom project to work on during that time period ;-)

Do you know what really sucks? I used to love to read. Now, though I have a half read Duma Key (by Stephen King), a half read Next (by Michael Crichton) and an unread The Mist (again by King) lying on my desk and I haven't picked up a book in what seems like 5 months.

...but what really, really sucks is SIRI. I wrote -- lovingly mind you -- about the merger between Sirius and XM the last couple weeks and as soon as the DOJ approval for the deal was announced, I waited for the stock to skyrocket. Well, do you know what happened? It went up 20 damn cents, then came back to levels before the merger. So, I said fuck it and I sold it. And it was a good thing that I did, as he next day it went down 30 cents (which is like a bazillion percent for a $3 stock and it has been down ever since. SIRI sucks.

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