Thursday, September 13, 2007


Before I was a world famous blogger, I was a poet who didn't know it.

From 1994 until 2005 or so I wrote poetry for fun. I tried to write longer novels from time to time, but I have a crazy attention deficit disorder - ooh, look a bird - and could only hold my attention long enough for a page or so. While I started writing two novels - 1) The Heist and 2) Freshmeat - I never got further than 80 or so pages in each.

In total, I think I wrote nearly 500 poems, including "The Reasons Why I Love You – 7/23/05" which I read to my wife in front of a crowd of our 150 wedding guests. Since then I haven't written many poems...actually I haven't written any at all. But a couple weeks ago, I got the urge and wrote a couple.

I guess Robert Plant was right: "And as we wind on down the road, our shadows taller than our soul, there walks a lady we all know, who shines white light and wants to show, how everything still turns to gold....and if you listen very hard, the tune will come to you at last - Stairway to Heaven.

Behind, ahead.
End up dead.

Up and down
What’s in the end is just a frown.

Mished up in a mash
Life’s gone in a flash.

It started way before you were ready
And it ended way, way too soon.

You think you might take awhile.
To figure things out.

But before you know it, it’s done
Before you show it, you’re shown up.

You’re ahead, but you’re not.
Because there’s someone just as good
already in front of you.

It started way too soon.
And it already ended
And you know you missed it.

Sometimes II

Sometimes I don’t know which way is up…
Sometimes the world moves so fast
And when I get there, I’m simply left with nothing.

It feels like things are always the same
But sometimes new comes around and drives me insane.

Sometimes I can’t figure anything out.
And sometimes I forget which way is up

Sometimes I realize how far and how fast I’ve come
And how long I've come.

I know sometimes I’ve taken risks
And I know sometimes I’ve felt blue.

I know I’ve climbed the mountain.
But sometimes I feel like I fell ass backwards into luck.

Sometimes I don’t know how I got here.
And sometimes I still realize that at times life can still suck.

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