Monday, June 11, 2007

The Worst Ending Ever of One of the Best TV Shows Ever

I am so utterly and completely pissed off and disappointed by the Series Finale of the Sopranos. Despite many of the episodes during this season being completely subpar, I put up with The Sopranos this year because it used to be one of my favorite shows of all time. After the next to last episode completely blew me out of the water, I just couldn't wait to find out what happened to Tony Soprano in te final episode. Well, the final episode came and went and the best thing that came out of it is at least my TV isn't broken.

During the last scene of the show, Tony is meeting his family for dinner at a restaurant and every time the door opens he thinks that it's going to be someone who murders him. One by one, his wife, his son and his daughter come in and every time each enters the restaurant Tony looks up with fear in his eyes expecting to get whacked. Intertwined in the entrances of each family member, random people come into the restaurant and you're left wondering if one of these people will pop Tony. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. And then Sopranos creator David Chase did something unforgivable....he gave me a ending that was so open ended that I thought my TV actually broke.

Right as Meadow Soprano was about to enter the restaurant, Tony looks up again to see who is coming through the door and the SCREEN GOES BLACK.
Let me repeat that....IT GOES BLACK!!
For a second, I thought that my TV died. Then I thought I was about to get a message from the emergency broadcast network that Dick Cheney shot President Bush. Then after rewinding the show, I screamed out loud when I realized what had happened. David Chase had no idea how to end the show, so he wanted to leave the viewer to decide how to end it. So he made the SCREEN GO BLACK! Now I'm left wondering....did the FBI walk through the door? Did Tony get popped? Did Meadow walk through the door - with her top off? Did a deli man deliver 1 lb of cappacola?

Jesus. What dumb stugots came up with this non-ending?

I've talked to a few people about it already and apparently there are two camps of people: 1) Those who agree with me; 2) Those who think it was the most awesome ending ever. For those people in Camp 2, I say screw you. I want a damn ending! I invested hours of my life watching this damn show and I want the creative people behind it to give me some type of ending. ANY ending! I don't have to like the ending. All I want is not to have to wonder if "my cable just went out.
For anyone who knows me, you know I'm a huge Stephen King fan. I loved King's opus, the 7 volume Dark Tower series. The series is thousands of pages long and I eagerly anticipated the ending of it. As I approached the final few pages, I was at the edge of my seat - much like I was last night. And King pulled nearly the same thing that Chase did last night when he wrote the ending of the Dark Tower.
In the final pages of the book, King's hero Roland of Gilead reaches the end of his quest at the top of the Dark Tower. He opens the door he has dreamed of since the beginning of his quest. Behind the door is the same desert that Roland trekked through at the beginning of his quest. The story literally goes full circle and reinforces King's premise in many of his books that Hell is Repetition and Goes in a Circle. I thought that was the perfect ending.
I'll never think that about the ending of Sopranos. I hate you David Chase.

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