Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hostel Part II...Glug...Glug...Glug...(in someone else's blood)

Wow, I will never see an Eli Roth movie again...

Last night, Smelmooo and I went to see Hostel Part II and let's just say that I'm lucky that we didn't eat dinner before we saw the movie. The movie was only 1 1/2 hours long and even that was too much too endure...There weren't entirely not enough boobs and when boobs were shown they were usually covered by lots of blood...and I'm not talking about the boobshowers blood. I'm talking about the bloodshower takeing a dripping wet bath in someone else's blood. Yes, it made Smelmooo look away. I unfortunately did not.

If you've seen the first Hostel, you pretty much know what to expect from Hostel Part II. I just didn't expect to see so much of it. The movie had little to no plot, other than the retread of Hostel 1: American kids on a Eurotrip get tricked into going to the tortuous Hostel. American kids get tortured and killed by rich men with a sick fascination for spending loads of money on killing people.
It's was a gutwretching, mindpuking showing to say the least.

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